Previous Section: Local Elections
State Elections
Just like local elections, state elections vary from state to state based on their state laws and state Constitutions. However, state elections function very similarly to those of the national government. Their is a separate executive branch that elects an offical, the Governor, as well as a legislative branch that elecets state legislators. Also, in some states, the members of the state supreme court are elected, and new laws or ratifications to the state Constituion are also voted on during state elections.
Seeing as state elections are incredibly similar to national elections, and I know you don't want to read the same thing over and over, I'll just give you a brief summary of state elections in Arizona.
Executive Branch:
The executive branch is headed by the governor, who is elected every four years. Other members of the executive branch include a secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney general, and superintendent of public instruction, who all are also elected every four years by popular vote. If the vote comes to a tie, a second election is held between only the two candidates who tied. And if that vote results in a tie, then the two houses of the legislative branch vote together one person into office. To run for election for any of these positions, the candidate must be at least 25, must have been a citzen for ten years, and a citizen of Arizona for five years. Otherwise, the executive branch functions very similarly to the national executive branch, with a an order of succession, rules for impeachement, and other codes of conduct.
Legislative Branch
Arizona's legislative branch is also very similar to the national legislative branch, except for the numbers of members in the Arizona Legislature. There are 30 Senators, each representing one of the 30 legislative districts, and 60 members of the House of Represantatives, two from each legislative districts. Unlike the national government, where the number of members of the House of Representatives depends on the population of the state, the Arizona House of Representatives does not. Every legislative district in Arizona recieves equal representation in both the House and the Senate. In order to draw these legislative district lines, a bill has to be passed through bothe the House and the Senate. Each member serves a two year term, and can serve a total of four years at a time. However, after leaving office for one full term, they can then run to be reelected, and serve a total of four years again. Theoretically, they could keep up this same pattern indefinitely.
Judicial Branch
Judges who serve on the Arizona Supreme Court are appointed by the Executive Branch, similar to our national government. However, the judges on the Arizona Supreme Court serve a term of six years, after which they must be appointed once again to the Arizona Supreme Court. The Supreme Court must have more than five judges, and these judges elect one of their members to be the chief justice for five years, and there is no limit to the number of times he can be elected.
Alright, that is a brief overview of state elections. Now that you have the basis for local and state elections, the only elections left to understand are national elections. And while they are almost the same at heart, in practice they are completely different and incredibly complex. Have fun!
Next Section: National Elections
Image taken from:
"Capitol Museum" < > (13 December, 2009).
All Information taken from Arizona State Constituion Articles 4, 5, and 6:
"Arizona Constitution" < > (13 December, 2009).
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