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1. Political culture
The attitudes, beliefs, and values which underpin the operation of a particular political system. These were seen as including knowledge and skills about the operation of the political system, positive and negative emotional feelings towards it, and evaluative judgments about the system. Particular regional, ethnic, or other groups within a political system with their own distinctive sets of values, attitudes, and beliefs were referred to as subcultures.1
2. Political Socialization
Political socialization is a lifelong process by which people form their ideas about politics and acquire political values. The family, educational system, peer groups, and the mass media all play a role. While family and school are important early in life, what our peers think and what we read in the newspaper and see on television have more influence on our political attitudes as adults.2
3. Broadcast news
News brought to the public by television or radio.
4. Sound-Bite
15 to 30 second clips of a politician’s speech.
5. Narrowcast news
A type of programming that arose with cable television. It’s news from any source (most specifically the Internet or news channels) that focuses on a particular topic or constituency. Like music video channels, sports channels, or cable news channels.
6. Beats
Specific sources of news, such as Congress or the White House.
7. Trial Balloons
Sometimes Congress and the White House even reveal potential scandals ahead of time, in an effort to find out what sort of public damages they would do to them.
8. Yellow journalism
Sensational Style of reporting focused on violence, corruption, wars, and gossip, often with a less than scrupulous regard for the truth.
9. Fireside Chats
Messages to the American people that President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882–1945) broadcast on the radio.
10. FCC
Independent Regulatory Agency that regulates communications via radio, television, telephone, cable, and satellite.
11. Whistleblowers
An informant who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it
12. Straw Poll
An unofficial vote that is used either to predict the outcome of an official vote, or to gauge the relative strength of candidates for office in a future election.
13. Selective exposure
The process by which individuals screen out messages that do not conform their own biases. (13)
14. Selective Perception
The process by which individuals perceive what they want to in media messages.(14)
(1) McMillan, Alistair and McLean Iain., "Political Culture"- The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics. 2003. http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1O86-politicalculture.html
(accessed November 9, 2009).
(2)Sparknotes. "Government-Media and Public Relations." March 2004. (accessed November 9,2009)
(3-7) Edwards,George C., Wattenberg, Martin P. Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy. 12 ed. Longman, 2005.
(8) "Crucible Of Empire : The Spanish-American War." Crucible of Empire. PBS, Web. 13 Dec 2009. <http://www.pbs.org/crucible/frames/_journalism.html>.
(9) Bunite, Russell D., and David W. Levy, eds. FDR's Fireside Chats. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992
(10) "FCC." WordNet. 3.0. Web. <http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=fcc>.
(11) "Whistleblower." WordNet. 3.0. Web. <http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=whistleblower>.
(12) "Straw Poll." WordNet. 3.0. Web. <http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=straw+poll>.
(13) Edwards,George C., Wattenberg, Martin P. Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy. 12 ed. Longman, 2005.
(14) Edwards,George C., Wattenberg, Martin P. Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy. 12 ed. Longman, 2005.
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Comments (1)
mberry said
at 6:21 pm on Dec 15, 2009
Need more information on polling! including terms (random sampling, Gallup, etc)....
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