
Chapter 1 Summary

Page history last edited by jordan 15 years, 2 months ago

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Just in case you got too caught up in all the fun stuff, here is a brief summary of our chapter.


     On September 17, 1787 a historical document known as the Constitution of the United States was written. The writing of this historical document however, was just the beginning. It wasn't until March 4, 1789 that the Constitution was actually ratified by the states, New Hampshire and Kentucky being two of the last. These states did have legitimate concerns however, best described by the ideals of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists wanted to push the Constitution through the system as quickly as possible to jumpstart the nation and begin rebuilding. The Anti-Federalists were more reserved and were quick to pick out the Constitution's faults. For instance, the fact that the original Constitution had no representation for either the states or the people worried them that the government would become to powerful and the English monarchy would be relived. To compromise, and to get the other states on board, the Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution which constitutes the first 10 amendments. A federalist government was also established, and dual federalism was given the crown. Dual federalism is the idea that the union and the state share power but the federal government holds more than the individual states. Furthermore on the governmental structure, is the separation of powers and checks and balances, both key components to the American democracy. Checks and balances assures that no one branch can assume to much power over the others by the intertwined function each has in the other's business. The separation of powers is the idea that the powers and jobs of the three separate branches, executive, legislative, and judicial, are each designated in the Constitution. Thus, no branch can supercede the other because their functions are written out. The governments ability to maneuver out of their roles, and become more powerful however, is up for debate. This system had lasted us even up until now. Likewise, the Constitution has been upheld equally as long, and doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The only inconsistencies, in the seemingly perfected Constitution is the interpretations the Republicans and Democrats bring to the table. Republicans usually interpret the Constitution more literally while the Democrats see it in a more progressive and outdated light. More so than the Constitution's interpretation are more recent issues that have been under fire for centuries including health care, abortion, immigration, and gun control. These issues never seem to be resolved, and they will most likely continue to be debated widely for years and years to come. That is until Obama destroys Fox News because it is actually telling the truth about him and his socialist policies. His eventual world domination will most likely put the astroturf in Guantanamo, oh wait he already closed it down for no good reason at all, I guess you are stuck with me and if you are a Democrat, just scratch that last part.


 'It is so on!'

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